“Before I began my volunteer role, I wondered whether I was too young to become a governor, and if I had the required expertise a governing body needs. I wondered how other people on the board would feel about someone joining at the age of 23. I’m a real-life example to show other young people that you CAN volunteer as a school governor – we have a lot to offer!”

Hear from a panel of governors, all under 25, who are actively serving on school boards in their local communities.
You’ll hear inspiring stories of how these young people started their journeys just like you. Learn how they overcame challenges, found their footing, and now make a difference in their schools and communities.
Daisie Polius, 20, Young Governor at Thrybergh Academy, Rotherham
“Having young people on Governing Boards is essential for a variety of reasons. Their presence injects fresh and innovative perspectives into governance, ensuring educational institutions remain adaptable and responsive to evolving needs. Young representatives provide a direct channel for the voices and concerns of the student body, leading to decisions that better align with the aspirations of students.”
Jeffrey Darko, 26, Young Governor at Spa School, Bermondsey
“Whilst being a governor, I have gained problem-solving & budgeting skills. This role has allowed me to understand how to aid the needs of the schoolchildren whilst operating on a budget to ensure all the requirements are met. It has also improved my communication, as I have a valued voice. Tied in with this, it has helped with my leadership.”
Adam Rogers, 26, Young Governor & Senior Performance Manager at Openreach
“Ever since becoming a governor, I’ve seen a real improvement in my communication skills and being self-aware of how to approach different situations with different individuals. In addition, I’ve noticed a huge difference in my ability to hold my peers to account but also offer the right level of support, which is essential for leadership. Lastly, sometimes I struggle to be decisive – my method is to analyse something before making a decision,n which is often the best approach. However, in other instances, it’s not and being a governor has really helped me with this, given there are so many meaningful decisions to be made.”
Learn about the skills and knowledge schools seek in young governors and discover how to develop these skills and position yourself as a strong candidate.
This webinar isn’t just about listening. You can also engage in conversations, polls, and Q&As to keep you involved and informed throughout the webinar.
Connect with like-minded young people passionate about education and community involvement. Build a network, which can lead to mentorship opportunities.
This webinar is just the beginning. You’ll have the chance to stay connected with our organisations and access ongoing support, resources and tools to help you on your journey to improving education for more young people.

Only 1% of school governors are under the age of 30. Young people are missing out on shaping the education system and schools are missing out on the talents and skills of people that are closest to the education system. Schools need governors from a variety of backgrounds to represent the communities they serve.

Key Info
When: Wednesday, November 22nd, at 5:00 PM
Where: Virtually on Zoom
Sign up via the links at the top and bottom of this page
We get it. You might be thinking, “Can I really be a school governor at my age? Do I have the right skills and experience?”
Well, you can start your journey as a school governor as early as 18, and you have so much to offer, but we understand that the governance world might seem mysterious or intimidating. You might not even know this exciting opportunity is within your reach.
Join us at this event, where we break it all down for you. Explore the path to becoming a school governor and uncover the incredible advantages it offers for your personal growth and your future. Come and find out how you can help more young people like you while making a difference in your local community.
Why not join with a friend? We’d love to meet them too – Just share this page and have them sign up with you!
Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and make a positive change. It’s your chance to shape the future of education.
Sign up now, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!