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Advisory Board

Young people under 30 make up almost 40% of our population, but, more often than not, they are less than 0.01% of members on decision-making boards across the country.

The Youth Advisory Board is Youth Leads UK’s dedicated group of young people who support us in guiding and delivering our strategic aims, ensuring we are youth-led and youth-informed at every level.

Members participate in discussion-based activities, designed with and supported by our Youth Engagement Team, to work together with the Trustees to move our charity forward.

Youth Leads UK


  • Sharing experiences and insight into issues faced by young people.
  • Providing constructive feedback to the Board of Trustees on their strategies.
  • Presenting ideas to the Youth Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees on what Youth Leads UK should be delivering.
  • Helping to keep our alumni and supporters connected to Youth Leads UK.
  • Promoting Youth Leads UK’s values.

Youth Advisory Board members are all aged between 14 & 22 and offer their own unique perspectives and experiences, with the aim to ensure our board can represent a wide range of Greater Manchester’s diverse young people.

Youth Leads UK


Youth Advisory Board Members lead & take part in various activities, supported by our Youth Engagement Team, working together to move the charity forward. They also have opportunities to share their thoughts with decision-makers within and outside the charity sector.We support Members to express themselves in ways that work best for them, such as through discussion, presentation or creative activities.

Typical Member activities include:

  • Writing opening statements for our Annual Reports.
  • Attending Trustee’s meetings.
  • Giving speeches or presentations at events.
  • Attending external meetings and/or events as a representative of Youth Leads UK.

Join Us

If you’re interested in joining the Youth Advisory Board, you can click here to check out the full details.

Your application will include the following:

  • Supplying some basic information about you
  • Answering the following three questions: What do you want us to know about you? What do you think are the three biggest challenges facing young people today? What made you want to apply to be a member of the Youth Advisory Board?

You can submit your answers with text, video or audio. To make sure we treat every applicant fairly, we will stop watching, reading or listening to answers at the specified timestamps listed in the form, so make sure you keep to time.

You can either upload files to this form or email them to Recruitment for our Youth Advisory Board is on-going and currently open.

Click Here To Apply


I am absolutely thrilled to be leading such an incredible group of peers in our mission to support the youth at Youth Leads! The Youth Advisory Board’s future is looking brighter than ever – as Chair of the YAB, I feel immensely proud and energised to champion the voices of our youth and guide them in meaningful activities. I simply cannot wait to continue collaborating with this dynamic board in our upcoming meetings!

- Faizan Sharief Chair, Youth Advisory Board
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